

We can offer positions for neurology specialists in both inpatient and outpatient care in public hospitals in Norway.

The clinics treat neurological patients in need of acute hospitalisation and elective patients requiring neurological examination/treatment.

The work will consist of a mix of treatments such as all neurological diseases from peripheral nervous disorders to central neurological diseases such as headache, epilepsy, MS and Parkinson’s disease and stroke treatment.

You will need to be able to work independently and in multidisciplinary teams. You will provide supervisory services for the hospital’s other departments, too. Experience in neurophysiology is a plus.

We offer:

Permanent contract after obtaining the Norwegian license to practice as a specialist doctor

Attractive salary. Duties, if there will be, will be paid apart

Training courses within working hours

Help to find: Apartment, school and kindergarten

Invitation to study tour to Norway after a first interview, to learn more about the region and the work environment

Assistance with removal and relocation costs

Intensive Norwegian course, also for the family

Remuneration during the intensive language course of €700 monthly net, a supplement for children of €70 monthly net, free apartment and travel costs for the family


Specialist title in neurology recognised in the EU

Experience in outpatient and inpatient care

Availability to complete the Norwegian course

To apply: please send your CV (and any other files)

mentioning reference code NR-60 at

Contact person: Mr. Vitaly Pryadka

Tel.: +44 20 8144 2822
